Category Edtech

Schools: Are you attending the Digital Transformation of Education Conference (DToE)?

We asked the organisers to give us more details: What is DTOE Conference about? This is a two-day journey to demystify tablets, embrace internet access, learn about e-books, various digital learning platforms, simulations, interactive classrooms and other technologies that support the learning process from the perspective of the teacher.

Preventing the Textbook Ordering Headache

Are you frustrated with your present textbook ordering system, and wondering if there’s an easier way to do things? Chatting to multiple schools we know what it is like to start the year frustrated with the wrong textbooks arriving at the wrong times. Teachers and parents become frustrated. What a headache! At SchoolAdvisor, we are […]

The Future of Education: Hybrid System

PEARSON SA: ‘Digital assessment technology has the potential to change the face of education in South Africa for the better. Key to this equation is the benefits such technology holds for teachers.’ – Says Pearson SA

We ask how to get the right e-solution for maths and science teachers

Access to effective teaching resources was once again an important factor influencing the 2015 South African Matric results. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) recently announced that the highest subject–specific teacher vacancies are for Mathematics and Physical Science. Now, more than ever, effective e-learning solutions are forming an integral part of a School’s budget, which […]


 The decision to ‘go paperless’ is a bold move which requires a great deal of strategic planning. Many schools rush into this , without thinking through all the pitfalls and processes required for success. Schools can end up with a lot of expensive equipment that is not fully utilised, demotivated teachers, disgruntled parents and frustrated […]

Teens consume 9 hours of media per day

Common Sense Media has released an infographic detailing their report of media consumption by American tweens (8-12 years old) and teens (12-18 year olds). The facts are scary, tweens spend on average six hours per day consuming media and teens are up to 9 hours a day. This is media outside of school or homework. […]

Schools, are you planning for your tech futures?

After finally tracking Duncan Smith down in the Solomon Islands we asked him to write a guest post for schools on how they are planning for their tech future. Duncan is a South African educator with international teaching experience presently teaching abroad. If you are asking where the Solomon Islands are, you are not alone.

An iPad is not a computer, teachers must walk around, and 4 apps that students want you to use – straight from a student’s mouth

Audrey Mullen is a US high school student who was asked by to to share how she and her peers actually use various edtech tools, and how they really feel about their teachers’ blended learning approaches. What she has to say is relevant to teachers anywhere in the world. 

A London school bans all technology in the school

‘Pupils at London Acorn School are banned from using smartphones and computers and watching TV at all times, including during holidays’ writes the education correspondent of the The Guardian, Sally Weale.

Google Classroom through the eyes of a student – schools take note

Ever wondered what students think about Google Classroom? We asked grade 11 pupil Aidan Cunningham to give his input on life before and after the implementation of the app.